
Johan Gertz

Gitarrist och kompositör

Guitarist and composer 

New release May 2024!

Om Johans skivdebut "Kompositioner 1":

"Att en svensk gitarrist skapar en egen, högklassig musik och dessutom framför den med sådan självklar lätthet och elegans är en stor händelse. En härlig skiva med kalejdoskopisk musik som lyser upp i höst- och vintermörkret - hatten av!"

Tidningen "Gitarr & Luta"

About Johan's record debut "Compositions 1":

"That a Swedish guitarist creates his own, high-class music and also performs it with such obvious ease and elegance is a great event. A beautiful record with kaleidoscopic music that lights up in the autumn and winter darkness - hats off!"     The magazine "Guitar & Lute"

I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of pieces. They are very imaginative, hugely varied in their actual music, and yet modern but approachable throughout. The playing and recording is first –rate too, so any interested listeners will be very happy with what they find here.

Chris Dumigan, allclassicalguitar.co.uk